Jeremiah 5:28
Prev: Jeremiah 5:27     Next: Jeremiah 5:29
שָׁמְנ֣וּ עָשְׁת֗וּ גַּ֚ם עָֽבְר֣וּ דִבְרֵי־רָ֔ע דִּ֣ין לֹא־דָ֔נוּ דִּ֥ין יָת֖וֹם וְיַצְלִ֑יחוּ וּמִשְׁפַּ֥ט אֶבְיוֹנִ֖ים לֹ֥א שָׁפָֽטוּ׃
They are waxen fat, they are become sleek; Yea, they overpass in deeds of wickedness; They plead not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, That they might make it to prosper; And the right of the needy do they not judge.
Tree Probability: 0.024
Avg Tree Probability: 0.725

Isomorphic Trees (with leaves) -- 1
Jeremiah 5:28
Isomorphic Trees (internal nodes) -- 52
Genesis 4:22
Genesis 5:7
Genesis 5:13
Genesis 5:16
Genesis 11:13
Genesis 11:15
Genesis 11:17
Genesis 31:37
Genesis 32:30
Genesis 44:5
Genesis 45:10
Exodus 23:19
Exodus 26:32
Exodus 34:26
Exodus 40:33
Leviticus 5:1
Leviticus 19:28
Numbers 4:8
Numbers 6:11
Numbers 14:28
Deuteronomy 13:8
Deuteronomy 25:6
Joshua 7:9
Joshua 13:5
Isaiah 28:5
Isaiah 30:13
Isaiah 66:18
Jeremiah 5:28
Jeremiah 46:5
Ezekiel 4:5
Ezekiel 40:13
Ezekiel 40:15
Ezekiel 42:3
Hosea 3:3
Amos 4:11
Ecclesiastes 4:17
Daniel 8:6
Daniel 8:27
Nehemiah 3:12
I Samuel 10:27
I Samuel 17:7
II Samuel 8:7
II Samuel 17:2
I Kings 1:11
I Kings 2:46
I Kings 15:25
I Kings 19:3
II Kings 4:4
II Kings 10:22
II Kings 17:30
I Chronicles 18:7
II Chronicles 6:31